Lawton Farmers Market Moving Summer Location
As temperatures start rising, folks just want to be more healthy. Maybe, it's the idea that that Summer body is still within reach. I don't know; but I do know that eating healthy starts with eating simpler. And that's where the Lawton Farmers Market comes in.
The Lawton Farmer's Market will open for it's Summer season in a brand new location for the summer. Here's the press release:
Lawton Farmers Market in New Location for the Summer
LAWTON, OKLAHOMA (May 26, 2020)—On Saturday, May 30 the Lawton Farmers Market will move to their new summer location at Cameron University, 227 SW 38th Street, which is the parking lot at the corner of 38th St. and Gore Blvd. The market will be open Saturdays from 8:00 a.m.-Noon.
“We have been at the Comanche County Fairgrounds for over 10 years, but because of Covid 19 the Fairgrounds did not know when they were going to reopen. This location will allow us to spread out, have all of our vendors present, including our crafters and artisans, while still being able to social distance,” said Dr. Ed Legako, board president of the Southwest Growers Association.
This year marks the 12th summer that the Lawton Farmers Market has been in operation in southwest Oklahoma. The market accepts SNAP and has again been chosen to participate in the Double Up program, as well as the Farmers Market Senior Nutrition Program, and some vendors take Chickasaw vouchers. For more information on those programs stop by the SNAP booth at the Lawton Farmers Market on Saturday mornings.
“The Lawton Farmers Market continues to grow every year, if you haven’t been to the market in awhile come and check us out, we add new vendors all the time. We have vendors who offer beef, pastured pork, lamb and longhorn beef, farm fresh eggs, lots of fresh veggies and seasonal fruits, baked goods, canned goods, honey, crafters, and artisans,” said Cathy Field, board member. ‘It’s just a fun place to be on Saturday morning, and we encourage you to shop us first, shop local and support all of our small farms, farmers and businesses here in southwest Oklahoma.”
For more information visit the Lawton Farmers Market Facebook page.
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