While there's not really a lack of things to do in Oklahoma this weekend, "rodeo" isn't exactly in the bag for everyone, respectfully of course...

If you find yourself without anything to do and looking, take a drive to the Oklahoma town named for the famed 1914 ship disaster...

Titanic, Oklahoma.

Google Maps
Google Maps

Titanic was incorporated and named in honor of the wreck way back in 1916.

While it was initially off to a good start, the post office closed in late 1927 but some people still remain even now. Population: 259

What is there to do in Titanic?

While that's a much better question for someone that has been or lived there, I'm gonna hop out on a limb and guess 'not much.'

Like most small rural Oklahoma towns, the community is likely mostly made up of family homes and farms. A gas station or small convenient store isn't out of the question either. Maybe even a Dollar General, but the odds are super slim from the outside looking in.

It's so small, Google Maps hasn't even been there yet, so you couldn't scope it out ahead of time even if you wanted to.

Still, even if it is a total ghost town, it'd be an interesting tourist tidbit to add to your memory bank... if you're headed that way anytime soon.

Oklahoma's Best Motorcycle Road Trips

Since motorcycling is practically a year-round thing in Oklahoma, anytime is a good time to start planning your next road trip. Whether you're getting the moto-bros together for the ride, or packing up your significant other for a little two-wheel therapy, here are the best motorcycle road trips inside the Sooner State.

Route maps can be found in the Oklahoma Motorcycle Guide.

Things Invented in Oklahoma

When people think about Oklahoma, they think of what they've seen in movies. Tornadoes, the Murrah bombing, maybe the land runs, and probably meth... our four mountain ranges are as unknown as the contributions Oklahoma has made to modern life. Here are some random things that were invented here.

The Best Things About Oklahoma

It seems we've reached a point in human history where the norm is to sit around and complain about anything and everything. Oklahoma is a sore subject on both political sides of the aisle. So instead of adding to the morose nature of being bummed, here are some 100% pure Sooner State things Okies can't help but think positively about.

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