This summer in Oklahoma we've experienced extreme heat and several bouts of severe weather with heavy rain. We've had several storms with high winds and big hail that have caused all kinds of damage to our homes. But did you know that the heat and humidity themselves can cause significant damage to your home?

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According to an article from The Weather Channel, heat and humidity can cause severe damage to your home, and often, this damage is done slowly over time and you don't notice till it's too late. I've been a homeowner for a long time now, but I still feel like I learn something new every day! I had no idea the affects Oklahoma's recent extreme heat and humidity could have on the structure of my home.

1. Crawl Space


Most homes in Oklahoma have a crawl space under their home. Heat and humidity can get trapped under there and the stagnant air coupled with moisture can cause issues with mold and mildew. So if your home has a faint smell of mold and mildew, you might want to check your crawl space.

2. Attic


We all know heat rises, so with this extreme heat, you know your attic is going to be HOT. According to the article, most attics don't have the best airflow, so humidity will start to build up and it could start breaking down your insulation. If you feel like your home isn't cooling properly, you may want to check your attic if there's nothing wrong with your air conditioner.

3. Bathrooms


We all do it. When we take a hot bath or shower, the windows and mirrors fog up from the warm moisture. We do this all the time, so our bathrooms build humidity inside our home year-round. Again, heat rises, so all that moisture is going up to your attic.

4. Windows and Doors


Poorly sealed doors and windows can cause cool air to escape and warm air comes in. They can also cause unseen damage between the interior and exterior of your home. Without proper sealing and drainage, your poorly sealed doors and windows can trap water between the walls of your home. We all know what trapped water does: it molds.

5. Plumbing


I'll admit, I came across this article because I noticed my bathroom was smelling funky. It had been clean but there was still a... smell. I was able to pinpoint the smell to my toilet. Apparently, heat and humidity can have a huge affect on your plumbing. If your home's plumbing isn't sealed properly, heat and humidity can cause significant damage to your plumbing system.

Do Not Leave These Things in Your Hot Car in Oklahoma

While you would expect most of this to be common sense and general knowledge, you'd be amazed how many people found out the hard way there are some things you should never leave in a hot vehicle. Since we're knee-deep into another hot Oklahoma summer, it's worth mentioning to those who don't know.

Faxon, Oklahoma's Windowless 'Vampire' Bandominium

Taking the 'barndominium' idea to the extreme, this is literally a barn that was turned into a home down in Faxon, Oklahoma.

Oddly enough, as countryfied and rustic as it looks on the inside, I looked through the pictures at least twice before realizing there were no windows throughout the place. Given the shape of the structure, I can't imagine how expensive it would be to retrofit windows if you could even find a contractor willing to attempt it.

If you were curious what $525,000 could buy you in the middle of nowhere, this is it. See the full details on the Zillow listing.

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