Oklahoma’s Coolest Park Is A Go For Christmas
It made waves across the state when it opened in 2018, and the impact it has at christmas is no different. The Gathering Place in Tulsa is a bonafide winter wonderland, and even in the year of a pandemic, it's still open and welcoming people from anywhere to enjoy the sights, sounds, and experiences.
While there is an outdoor event stage, a lake house, and lots of cool grown up stuff to see, the real stars of the park are for the kiddos. The huge tree fortress, skate parks that actually welcome scooters along side skateboards and rollerblades... If kids still rollerblade... Do kids still rollerblade? I know my nephews don't, but how can something so fun from my own childhood not be fun now?
Of course, the entire place is decked out in holiday lights, and the staff has made it as safe as possible to do the normal December things... Cookies and hot chocolate for the cold nights, a visit with Santa Claus, running around burning off that crazy cookie energy... But as we are still amid a worsening pandemic, there are rules in place that mirror those of any Tulsa public place. Masks inside are mandatory, masks outside are highly encouraged but not mandatory.
It would probably be worth the drive up there for an evening. Maybe a Friday night. It's a relatively short drive, a hair over three hours, but it'd be worth it to see something we don't get to see in Lawton, a lit up magical christmas world of wonder in a city park. Keep in mind, Tulsa took a pretty good ice and snow storm on Sunday, so it may be a day or two before it's fully open... There's more snow in the forecast for Tuesday. It's free to get in and mostly free throughout the park, you might look into it.
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