Depending on two things--where you live in the state and whether or not you have kids--you may not know that Oklahoma is experiencing a wild flu epidemic at the moment.

In terms of cases, Oklahoma currently ranks the highest according to the Walgreens Flu Index and it's so bad in some towns that they've canceled school and events, or moved to distance learning until cases come down.

It's not just affecting the kids either, some of the Sooner State's major manufacturers in the heavy industries have started flu furloughs in an attempt to keep the workforce from all contracting it at the same time. It isn't good.

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Beyond having the highest cases rank in the nation, when I was told about this from a family member, I had no idea. I don't think the flu has run through Lawton... yet. By the looks of the smaller spread map, I know it's coming.

Like most family holidays, covid ran through a bunch of us because even though we know better, we can't help but choose to be around of bunch of strangers and new people around the holidays. It didn't get all of us, but split the family right down the middle.

Some got covid, others had the flu. Really, the youngest members of the family took it on the chin before, during, and after the holiday break. Barely a week into the new year, my Northern Oklahoma hometown closed all the schools in an effort to stop the spread. With so many students already out when they called it, time will tell if it worked.

More schools, primarily rural and small-town schools are following suit as the flu closes in on Southern Oklahoma from both the north and up from the south in Texas.

What can be done about it?

Nothing really. Like every virus, the quickest way around it is right through the middle. You remember the whole "herd immunity" thing, right? Once we've all had it, it'll be like nobody has had it.

It's only a matter of time before it rears its head in your home. May the odds be ever in your favor.

Eleven Things Oklahoman's Eat When It's Cold

When it comes to the favorite foods in Oklahoma, most of them revolve around a grill. Whether it's steak, burgers, dogs, BBQ, beer can chicken, etc... If it can be grilled, it will be an instant favorite across all palates in this state. But what do Okies survive on when it's cold enough to require the wearing of pants and a hoodie? Here's the quick list of things every Oklahoma home should be pumping out when the endless Summer finally ends.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

Oklahoma Diner's, Drive-In's, and Dive's Guy Fieri Raved About On TV

We all know Guy Fieri is the self-proclaimed Mayor of Flavortown, and as such, we generally trust his discerning palate to guide us to the best food any place has to offer. At least the places he tends to go often offer up some really good eats, and in looking at this list, having eaten at most of these places a handful of times, he's not wrong. Here are the Oklahoma original restaurants that have been featured on Triple-D.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

Oklahoma's Richest Billionaires

From goods & services to oil & gas, these Oklahoma billionaires have figured out what hard work and dedication can do for the family finances.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

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