One Big Change Geddy Lee + Alex Lifeson Wanted to Make to Rush’s Final TourOne Big Change Geddy Lee + Alex Lifeson Wanted to Make to Rush’s Final TourThe surviving Rush members talk about being "disappointed" with their farewell tour and one big change they lobbied for.Joe DiVitaJoe DiVita
The History of Rush in 10 SongsThe History of Rush in 10 SongsGiving the limelight to the iconic Canadian prog rock trio!Jordan BlumJordan Blum
The Shortest + Longest Rock Star MarriagesThe Shortest + Longest Rock Star MarriagesSome rock star marriages are over and done with in the blink of an eye, while others continue for decades on decades.Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
The 10 Best Prog Rock Guitar + Keyboard DuosThe 10 Best Prog Rock Guitar + Keyboard DuosThese iconic guitar and keyboard duos are a match made in prog rock heaven.Jordan BlumJordan Blum
Alex Lifeson on Rush ClosureAlex Lifeson on Rush ClosureHe also reiterates that he is "not interested in touring anymore."Corey IrwinCorey Irwin
When Geddy Lee Finally Confronted Alex Lifeson Over Rush FiringWhen Geddy Lee Finally Confronted Alex Lifeson Over Rush FiringIt took decades for the bassist to ask why he was briefly kicked out of the band. Corey IrwinCorey Irwin
Rush’s Alex Lifeson Admits ‘It’s Not In Our D.N.A. to Stop’Rush’s Alex Lifeson Admits ‘It’s Not In Our D.N.A. to Stop’Surviving duo touch on possibility of touring again with “one of the great drummers.”Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Why Geddy Lee Had to ‘Tread Carefully’ When Writing About Neil PeartWhy Geddy Lee Had to ‘Tread Carefully’ When Writing About Neil Peart'I had to be discreet, but honest about my perspective.'Jordan BlumJordan Blum
McCartney on Lee and Lifeson TourMcCartney on Lee and Lifeson Tour“We all got plastered together, and he was very emphatic."Corey IrwinCorey Irwin
Potential Collaborators for Rush’s Geddy Lee and Alex LifesonPotential Collaborators for Rush’s Geddy Lee and Alex LifesonWho's to say that they would stick with the tried-and-true trio format? Nick DeRisoNick DeRiso
Geddy Lee Says He and Alex Lifeson Could Perform as Rush AgainGeddy Lee Says He and Alex Lifeson Could Perform as Rush AgainLast year's Taylor Hawkins tribute opened the door for possible future collaborations.Michael GallucciMichael Gallucci
Alex Lifeson Turns 70Alex Lifeson Turns 70The Rush guitarist has enjoyed a lengthy career driven by humor, determination and friendship.Matt WardlawMatt Wardlaw