Sadly there are more store closings at Lawton's Central Plaza. It seems more and more retailers are exiting the old mall and either opening elsewhere or leaving completely. Find out what stores have just packed up and left.
“Did you pick up the dry cleaning?” may soon be a question as antiquated as “Can you look up a number in the Yellow Pages?”
Their have been recent reports painting Kid Rock’s ‘Made in Detroit’ clothing brand in a negative light for using materials not even made in the United States. Mr. Rock himself angrily fired back at those allegations today, citing one “irresponsible” reporter in particular — Susan Tompor of the Detroit Free Press.
A University of Maryland study conducted with both male and female volunteers discovered that, as with women, scantily-clad men are seen as more sensitive but less competent than their fully-clothed counterparts.
28-year-old German fashionista and biologist Anke Domaske invented a process by which sour milk and other ingredients can be spun into soft fibers resembling silk.