Texas Congressman Ronny Jackson (TX-13) has introduced a new bill that would prohibit state and city governments from taxing, charging user fees, and/or mandating insurance requirements on gun owners.
Ukraine would love to have Oklahomans join in the fight! Think about it, who wouldn't want a bunch of well-armed Okies on their side? Well, we could be seeing our fellow Oklahomans volunteer into Ukraine's military. A new bill if passed would allow U.S. citizens the legal opportunity to fight for other Nations if they choose.
Not this Sunday but next Sunday (03-14-21) is daylight savings time. We'll be springing forward an hour and losing another hour of sleep, oh' boy. The older I get the more I hate daylight savings time. It seems like it takes me a few days to re-adjust to the new time and to be completely honest, I hate having to run around the house and change all the clocks. Not to mention trying to remember how to re-set the time in the vehicles.
Today's the day (12-04-20) that marijuana could become legal across all 50 states. Congress will be voting on the MORES Act (Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement Act) that would decriminalize cannabis Nationwide.
President Barack Obama said Sunday night that he and Congressional leaders had reached a debt deal that cuts trillions in federal spending. The debt ceiling plan was set to face a vote on Monday in hopes of enacting it before a Tuesday deadline, thus averting default, The New York Times reported.
Marijuana legalization has two pretty high-profile friends in Congress.
Republican Ron Paul of Texas and Democrat Barney Frank of Massachusetts are co-sponsoring a bill that would put an end to the federal criminalization of marijuana.
Rep. Anthony Weiner has reportedly told friends that he will resign from office, a source close to the situation revealed to the NY Times.
The decision was reportedly made after “long discussions” with his wife, Huma Abedin, who returned to the States Tuesday after a trip to Africa with her boss, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Sure, gas prices are high and people are hurting for jobs, but Congress wants to put a stop to an issue that’s tearing this country apart.
That’s right – a new bill would make it illegal for people to upload videos of them lip-syncing their favorite songs.