So what's the weather going to be like in Oklahoma on New Year's Eve, and Day? Find out what Mother Nature has in store for us as we ring in the New Year.
if you haven't heard the news yet, it's looking like winter in Oklahoma will be unseasonably cold and stormy in 2023/2024 according to the Farmer's Almanac.
So what's the weather going to be like in Oklahoma on New Year's Eve, and day? Find out what Mother Nature has in store for us as we ring in the New Year this weekend.
While we're all looking forward to Thanksgiving and spending some time with family and friends, not to mention eating. It's looking like Mother Nature is going to throw an icy wrench into everyone's plans for Turkey Day. They're predicting freezing temps, snow, and ice!
If you haven't heard the news it's looking like winter will be coming early for Oklahoma this year according to the Farmer's Almanac. Now would be the time to get prepared and make sure you have everything you'll need to brave the cold.
Well, it's not looking good for Oklahoma this Winter according to the Farmer's Almanac. Unless of course, you're into really cold temperatures that are below average and enjoy sleet, ice, snow, and trekking through the frozen tundra.