The NRA Should Move to Lawton, Oklahoma!
The NRA Should Move to Lawton, Oklahoma!
The NRA Should Move to Lawton, Oklahoma!
I just found out that Oklahoma legislators are trying to get the NRA (National Rifle Association) to move their headquarters to Oklahoma. They're already planning to move their incorporation status from New York to Texas sometime soon. They're also considering relocating the NRA HQ from Fairfax, VA. to a more gun friendly city and state.
NRA Calls for Armed Guards at Schools
NRA Calls for Armed Guards at Schools
NRA Calls for Armed Guards at Schools
Wayne LaPierre, the executive vice president of the National Rifle Association, read a statement Friday morning in reaction to last week's shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut. He called for installing armed guards in schools to prevent future gun violence against students.
Trigger The Vote
Trigger The Vote
Trigger The Vote
It's certainly no secret that yours truly loves guns and loves the "Gunny". Both come together for this hilarious commercial for the 2012 "Trigger The Vote" voter registration campaign. It's message is very clear and is meant to encourage all freedom loving Americans, especially gun owners to register to vote. "Trigger The Vote" is sponsored by the N.R.A's Freedom Act