The Reasons I Spend New Year’s Eve At Home
Every year, the question always looms...What are you doing New Year's Eve? Every year I answer it the same way and so do 54% of all Americans - "I'm staying home." And here are the reasons why:
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No Obnoxious Drunk People
ThinkstockThinkstock The later the evening the drunker people get and the more obnoxious they become (and that's not just me).
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You Won't Have To Go Out In The Cold
iStockphotoiStockphoto I don't like having to get out in the cold. I prefer staying inside where it's warm.
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You Won't Have to Wait
iStockiStock You won't have to wait to be seated at a restaurant or pay high prices to eat.
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No Awkward Midnight Kiss
Thomas Hawk, FlickrThomas Hawk, Flickr Unless of course you're into that!
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You Can Wear Your Comfy Clothes
Photo ObjectsPhoto Objects I personally like to wear my sock monkey jammies and you really don't want to see me out in public with them on.
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If You Have Kids, No Babysitter
ComstockComstock I am sure it is a challenge to find a good baby sitter in the first place but on a holiday night like this I'm sure it's near impossible.
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Catch Up On Your DVRd Programs
iStockiStock My DVR is getting full so I will be staying home to catch up on all the programs I have recorded since the beginning of 2013.
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You Can Catch Up on Your Sleep
iStockphotoiStockphoto That's what I plan on doing!
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You Don't Have to Risk the Roads
ImgurImgur You may not be drinking and driving but that doesn't mean someone else isn't.
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You Won't Get Caught Drinking and Driving
iStockiStock If you even have just a "couple of drinks" you won't have to worry about getting a ticket or, even worse, losing your license.
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