What Do You Do With A Found Wallet?
Yesterday, the overwhelming response to 'What would you do if you found a wad of cash in public?' was try to find the owner. But what would you do with the entire wallet?
Do you take a chance in handing it over to someone? Or do you just track the person down?
A few years ago, when baggy pants were still normal, I lost my wallet somewhere between my truck and the front door at work. I didn't even notice until dinner time that night, at which point I freaked out. Cancelled all the cards, got in a tryst with the small bank that didn't offer emergency services after hours, the whole nine...
The next day, I arrive home to find our local mailman picked up and mailed it to me. He even included a note of where he found it. Spoiler, in the middle of 7th street at D Avenue. Not only was that a prime example of humans being bros, it was brilliant. It was that day that I started rocking the high-school chain wallet again. Yeah, I know it looks ridiculous... but I'm not losing another wallet.
All the same, if I hadn't kept my license up to date, I may have not seen my wallet again. So, do you ship it off absolving yourself with the thought of a good deed done? Do you hand it over to someone else? Or do you pop over to the address listed and check for yourself?