Wondering Where Salina, Oklahoma Is And What’s There?
Apparently, anyone and everyone that watched the premier of Loki on Wednesday all had the same thought... Where is Salina, Oklahoma? It was a featured location that the show is bound to swing back around to in future episodes, but why a place as random as Salina, OK? So many people searched it, it popped up in the top Google search list last night.
I'll admit it, I didn't know Oklahoma had a Salina. The only Salina I know about is the one in Kansas. I bought some vintage magnesium racing wheels off a guy there a lifetime ago, and I don't remember it being anything out of the ordinary... but in Oklahoma, there are countless small towns still anonymous to 90% of all Oklahomans, and some of my personal goals in life are to learn as much about this state as possible and make up random statistics to help drive home my emphasis.
Turns out, Salina is a little town of about 1400 people and it's located just East of Pryor along the banks of the Lake Hudson, where the roots of this community run extremely deep. According to Wikipedia, Salina and the area around it was explored way back in the 1500's by the Spanish, it was settled later on by the French when it was apart of the Louisiana Territory, and that whole area of the state remains some of the oldest European settlements still to this day long before Oklahoma reached statehood. So much history in such a small little town.
If you ever find yourself up in that area of the state, you might take a little detour and go explore a little bit. There's a walk-up restaurant there called Pig-N-Out that looks amazing and has more five-star reviews than the towns population, could be worth the trip up there alone. Pryor has a really good restaurant and Amish gift shop there too. Skip the big BBQ joint South of town, it was a major let down when we sampled it a few years ago.