Are Oklahoma Gas Stations Guilty of Price Gouging?
As prices at the pump continue to rise a lot of Oklahomans are concerned about price gouging and if gas stations across the state are guilty of taking advantage of recent events to line their own pockets.There are at times a wide range of gas prices depending upon where you live and work, are these stations price gouging and driving the cost per gallon up unnecessarily, or worse than that deliberately? Maybe, but unlikely.
It can be suspicious when you're driving around town and the average price per gallon can be anywhere from a .10 to .40 cent difference. So how could there be such a wide price range for gas and all in the same town or 15-mile radius? Most of this can be explained by when and how much was paid by the station when they last purchased gas. So it all depends on what the cost was at the time when the station bought gas and even how much it will cost to replace or refill the tanks once emptied. More often than not this is what causes the price differences vs. gas stations' price-gouging customers. However, that's not to say it doesn't happen.
You can expect gas prices to fluctuate and there are even times when stations even across the street from one another will have different prices. Now if you see a station whose price is .40 to .50 cents higher per gallon you might want to reconsider filling up there for obvious reasons. First, who wants to pay more? Second, if it's that much higher there's a chance they are price gouging. If you do see that and suspect that they're price gouging you can contact the Oklahoma Attorney General's Consumer Protection Unit by calling (405)-521-2029 or send them an email at consumerprotection@oag.ok.gov to report price gouging.
A great way to avoid paying too much at the pump or driving around aimlessly wasting gas looking for the best price is by using the GasBudddy mobile app. It uses GPS to track prices and can tell you the best place to fill up for less no matter where you're at. You can click here for all the details on the app and instructions on how to download and use it. Also, protect your fuel as gas theft has increased tenfold over the past couple of weeks. A lot of people have had their gas stolen or siphoned out of their vehicles. Click here for some tips and tricks to keep would-be gas thieves away from your vehicle and gas tank.
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