Danny Gallagher

18 Signs You’re at an Awful Barbecue
Grilling outdoors might seem simple since it’s the way that sub-average intelligent cavemen cooked food for themselves for years, but they’re all dead now — probably because they didn’t know that undercooked meat can cause food poisoning.

10 Things You Didn’t Know About the Fourth of July
The legend of America’s birth is only 236 years old. However, in that short amount of time, a number of legends that would normally take centuries to grow and multiply in any other civilization have sprung up.

10 Must Play Pinball Machines For Guys
The neighborhood video arcade may have fallen into the black hole of progress along with frosted hair tips, acid washed jeans and health care with reasonable co-pays, but the people who long to see its mixed aurora borealis of pixelated lights and neon signs are not going anywhere.

13 Pet Peeves of US Presidents
Being president of the United States might come with great power, prestige and responsibility, but it can also be a more difficult job than Robin Williams’ back hair waxer.

Have You Ever Looked at Your Facebook Privacy Settings? 13 Million Users Haven’t
A large number of users haven’t tried to access their privacy settings since they signed up with Facebook.
A new report from Consumer Reports found that 13 million users have failed to do just that, despite Facebook’s attempts to update and strengthen their privacy system and settings.

Liz Avery Lets Everyone Know Where She Likes to Be Kissed
Model Liz Avery provided some very interesting poses, and information, in her latest interview and spread for Men’s Fitness.

What Are the Most Dangerous US Cities for Women?
The population is skyrocketing and the economy is stagnant. These two factors can make a dangerous combination for all sorts of violent crimes.

13 Completely Outrageous Ways to Quit Your Job
Unemployment might be high, but confidence is returning to the job market in ways other than companies that are willing to spend extra money for extravagances like working bathrooms and pencils.

Joanna Krupa Does it ‘Doggie Style’ in New PETA Ad
PETA pulls a ton of stunts to get people to pay attention. Some of it is hilarious. Their smartest move is to have some of the world’s hottest women pose naked for their ads. It’s hard to hate you PETA!

The 12 Biggest Pet Peeves of Video Game Characters
There are all sorts of dangerous and tedious jobs in the world: oil firefighter, Navy SEAL, Donald Trump’s hair wrangler. One group of very hard and dedicated workers, though, who never get their due are video game characters.

And the Rudest Country in the World Is…
A new list of the rudest nations has been compiled and thankfully, America isn’t number one.

Big Wheel Racing Should Be a Professional Sport
Professional cycling really don’t impress us much. These guys have been chemically and physically engineered from birth to become pedal monsters and ride biked made by NASA engineers that could withstand the wind resistance produced by a nuclear holocaust.