Chinese Worker Accidentally Shows Porn on Train Station Jumbotron
You could lose your job watching porn on the job, but who knew you could also lose your freedom?
A railway worker in China got himself into quite a pickle when his computer that was hooked up to a giant video screen began playing a pornographic DVD called 'The Forbidden Legend: Sex and Chopsticks' (mental note -- add to our Netflix queue).
The man was working on repairing the screen when the movie started playing, luring in hundreds on curious onlookers and adding an interesting diversion to their commutes. The skin flick went on for 10 minutes before someone let the employee know what happened. He tossed the disc out the window, but embarrassment is only one of his worries -- he's now looking at two years behind bars for the accident. There's a lesson to be learned from all this -- it's best to only watch cat videos on the job.
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