While the crazy flu spreading across the state may have kept us from the Arenacross Series at Lazy-E last week, Oklahoma will get another electrifying opportunity to see, hear, and most importantly--smell--a little high-flying motorcycle fun.

MotoXtreme Circus is coming to the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds in mid-February.

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While the show will be in Enid on Valentine's Day--lucky them--it will be at Jim Norick Arena in OKC the day after on the 15th.

If you're not familiar, it's the big arena you see at I-40 and I-44 in Oklahoma City.


Also, bonus, it's on a Saturday night. You'll have all day to spend a little time seeing the sights, shopping wherever you want, grabbing a bite to eat, and catching the MotoXtreme show.

You'll see the ultra-popular freestyle motocross from the X Metal Riders, BMX Freestyle, the Globe of Death, Sky Masters Aerial Thrill, the Pendulum Wheel, and the Nuclear Stunt Girls starting at 6:30 PM that evening.

You in?

For tickets and junk, click here to visit the official MotoXtreme Circus website.

Unique Things to Do in Oklahoma City

There is no shortage of things to do in OKC. While there are a handful of things everyone knows about--OKC Zoo, Myriad Gardens, Bricktown, etc-- there are even more lesser-known places to experience one-of-a-kind Oklahomaness. Some things cost a little money, others are completely free, but it's all fun for the whole family.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

16 Annoying Things Oklahoma Drivers Do

I can't even begin to tell you how often the conversation turns to bad driving in my circle. Now I've lived in a bunch of different states, and driven in many more as my family's safe vacation driver, I can tell you some of the most common driver complaints are universal... but as Oklahoma drivers seem to swear they're the best, here are some of the things that annoy the rest of us.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

11 Illegal Things to Throw Away in Oklahoma

We live in a period of time where it's far easier to do almost everything than ever before. This includes disposing of things in the house, it's amazing how much things have changed.

While burning trash in a backyard pit and reusing old motor oil to heat the shop was common, even in my lifetime, here are the few things that are illegal to throw away in Oklahoma.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

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