Hey S.W. Oklahoma Lets Make Snow Ice Cream!
While the snow and ice may not be ideal when it comes to work and travel, it's the perfect conditions for some homemade snow ice cream! Looks like most of S.W. Oklahoma will be stuck at home over the next couple of days as Mother Nature continues her frozen tantrum and Winter storms across the Sooner State.
Well since we're stuck where we're at we might as well make the most of it. One way you can pass the time and provide some fun activities, especially if you have kids, is making some homemade snow ice cream.
It's a lot easier than you think and there's certainly plenty of snow around that you can use. Drifts are the best places to find clean, fresh snow and enough of it to make homemade snow ice cream. Hit play on the video below and learn how to make this seasonal, frosty, frozen, flavorful treat that the entire family will enjoy.
Of course if snow ice cream isn't your thing you could always make some snow cones. The most recent forecasts show we'll be below freezing until the weekend and more snow is on the way. Hopefully, you're able to stay home where it's warm and can enjoy a snow day or 2 with friends and family. Like the old saying goes "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade" or in this case when life gives you snow, make ice cream.
PRO TIP: Make some vanilla snow ice cream and add in some fresh cut peaches for a delicious peach and cream frosty. Or you can substitute for your favorite fruit, you have to try it, it's amazing. I plan on making a batch today and spending the rest of the day kicking back, relaxing, and spending some time with the family. I hope you're able to do the same and wherever you are and whoever you're with stay safe and warm.