How You Should Treat Groceries During Covid-19
If anything, this whole pandemic thing has thrust cleanliness back to the forefront of everyday life. Even the dude that always walks out of the restroom without washing his hands is now washing his hands a few dozen times a day now. It's a good thing. But what about your groceries?
Yes, the idea of sterilizing your groceries seems like overkill, but it makes perfect sense. I have been made fun of for two weeks over this, but now it's advised and junk. Stick that in your pipe Jennifer! It's not overkill, it's the new normal for the time being. Once we're on the other side of this, it won't be such a worry.
Even though I've been wiping down foods and stuff for two weeks, this guy takes it all to a new level. Just tossing the bulk packaging away, and dumping green goods straight into the fridge. Brilliant.
Good luck. Stay at home.