Is Your Halloween Tree Up Yet?
My entire adult life, I have been the sibling that never decorates the house for any holiday. Granted, the few decorations I have received as gifts turned out to be things that stay up all year. Like a metal xmas sign that is both old and weathered, it was worthy of permanent status. As much smack as my sisters talk about me not decorating, there is one thing I put up and leave up the last quarter of each year... My Halloween tree.
It's a small manufactured black christmas tree that I got on sale a few years ago pretty dirt cheap. I think Halloween is the best holiday of them all, so I don't feel weird in putting up the single decoration. Besides, a tree is a tree... If it's good enough for Halloween, it's good enough for xmas too.
Now a few years into my Halloween tradition, I'm starting to think I might need a few decorations to hang on this tree. It's always just been a black tree with some of those small LED lights already wired in. I literally pull it out of the box, plug it in, and presto, instant holiday season... but now that the Halloween tree fad has taken off, there are a ton of ornaments and such you can find easily enough online... so do I go full-holiday and actually pick a theme? Or do I do the traditional thing and buy one ornament every year, eventually amassing a one-off piece of my own personal history.
I still don't like the idea of decorating for the holidays. I have an awesome mom that always went full-tilt into decorating the house for every holiday... No, no... Literally, every holiday year round. Perhaps I've had enough unpacking, decorating, packing up, stowing away of boxes in my life. After all, we ate spaghetti a ton growing up because we were poor, and I still hate spaghetti to this day.
I think I'll try the one single ornament this year. See how it feels. If it holds out, perhaps add another in 2021. I'll just have to find the perfect 2020 ornament to mark the occasion.