Every year, in order to earn more money to put towards conservation efforts, the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation tosses together a raffle, and the prizes are pretty legit... if you're an outdoorsman.

There's usually a pretty good buzz in the outdoor community about the elk hunt giveaway because they're so hard to come by, sort of. You're more than welcome to buy a tag, but convincing private land owners to let you on their property is another obstacle, and to hunt elk on public land, you have to have a little luck in drawing a specified tag. The elk hunt giveaway is good even if you have drawn a tag - double your reward.


There are a few more pretty epic hunting and fishing items to draw for... like a guided turkey hunt, guided paddlefish trip, and even hanging out with the bear biologist for a day... but the real star of this year's raffle is the combination hunt/fish lifetime license.


A $10 raffle ticket is a cheap way to earn a $775 license - AKA - the last Oklahoma outdoors license you'll need to purchase for most game, but it comes with a few requirements.

While it is good and valid forever, even if you move away from Oklahoma, you must be an eligible Oklahoma resident when you win it. All the same, if you're not, you can give it to someone who is. Wouldn't that make you their best friend...

Most are available one ticket for $10, five for $30, or you can opt for the mega bundle... one entry for all seven raffles for just $50. Full details are here.

The Beauty Of Southwest Oklahoma

Too many people spend too much time complaining about being in Southwest Oklahoma. If only they'd shut their mouths and open their eyes from time to time, then they'd see the true beauty of this place.

Oklahoma's Best Places To Learn About Native Cultures

Whether you've lived in Oklahoma your whole life, or you're only visiting temporarily, you should indulge your curiosity and learn about America's richest and original culture... Native American culture. While this gallery is incomplete and ever-evolving as I visit new places, here are the few places I've been so far that should absolutely be at the top of your discovery list.

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