Should Wearing a Face Mask be Mandatory?
To wear a face mask or not to wear a face mask, that is the question. More specifically should it be mandatory? For me personally I haven't made a habit of it, however I do keep a face mask and bandana handy all times, just in case. I have put it on, but it really depends on what I'm doing or where I'm at.
It seems people are pretty evenly split on the face mask issue. Some say it should be mandatory and if you're not wearing one you're placing yourself and others at risk. The other group doesn't really feel the need to wear a mask, or for whatever reason doesn't want to wear one. At this time it's up to the individual, but that could change as the COVID-19 pandemic continues and we learn more and more about the virus.
In the beginning we were told not to wear face masks and that it did little to nothing for protection, or to help stop the spread of the virus. More than likely this was said to combat the mask shortage we were facing, and are still facing. Obviously frontline healthcare workers need them, especially the 3M N95 masks. If there was a rush and people started buying them all up there wouldn't be enough for our doctors, nurses and other medical professionals along with first responders, police and close contact essential personnel. These people are at greater risk and require greater protection. Another reason for the mask confusion could be that not much was known at the time about COVID-19 and how it spreads, who knows. Of course the conspiracy theories are running wild.
Well now it's changed and healthcare experts are telling the general public to strongly consider wearing a mask while in public places. In some states, counties and cities it's not an option, it's mandatory. Awhile back Lawton, Fort Sill almost made it required as part of our Emergency Proclamation COVID-19 response. Well due to public push back the city decided to reverse and go the "strongly suggest" route. At this time it's not mandatory that you wear a mask in Lawton, Fort Sill but the argument continues.
So what are your thoughts? Should it be mandatory, or should it be left up to the individual? Take the quick poll below and let us know where you stand, even if you're undecided.
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