
Legalization Of Recreational Marijuana For Oklahoma Won’t Be On The Ballot
Legalization Of Recreational Marijuana For Oklahoma Won’t Be On The Ballot
Legalization Of Recreational Marijuana For Oklahoma Won’t Be On The Ballot
Yesterday (09-28-20) the Oklahoma Supreme Court struck down a petition that could have legalized recreational marijuana. The petition if it collected enough signatures would have placed State Question 813 on the November 8th 2022 ballot. With a majority vote State Question 813 would have legalized recreational marijuana in the state for anyone 18 years of age or older. It would have also imposed a 25% tax on all sales.
SCOTUS Stands With Colorado
SCOTUS Stands With Colorado
SCOTUS Stands With Colorado
In a split decision, the US Supreme Court has decided not to hear the OK/NE lawsuit against Colorado and their marijuana laws.
The Real Reason Marijuana is Illegal [VIDEO]
The Real Reason Marijuana is Illegal [VIDEO]
The Real Reason Marijuana is Illegal [VIDEO]
A short video that reveals the truth about why marijuana is illegal. The laws that are currently in place predate any serious substance abuse concerns. So why was marijuana made illegal? It has more to do with economics and control than public health.
Guy Gets Life Without Parole for Marijuana [VIDEO]
Guy Gets Life Without Parole for Marijuana [VIDEO]
Guy Gets Life Without Parole for Marijuana [VIDEO]
There's something really wrong with the criminal justice system when non-violent offenders are locked away for life while violent criminals are offered reduced sentences and parole. The guy in this video Jeff Mizanskey will likely die in prison. So what was his crime? Growing and selling marijuana.

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