
Happy National Pizza Day!
Happy National Pizza Day!
Happy National Pizza Day!
Today's the day, happy National Pizza Day! In my honest, humble, non-bias opinion everyday should be pizza day. It's one of the most popular foods in the U.S. and for good reason. Pizza is the perfect cuisine. You basically get all your major food groups in a handy, no silverware needed, ready to eat slice. Plus there's a never ending variety of pizza available, so no matter your taste there's a pie that's perfect for you.
Lawton Bricktown Brewery Is Now Open
Lawton Bricktown Brewery Is Now Open
Lawton Bricktown Brewery Is Now Open
With all the local and area businesses that have closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, not to mention those who's fate is still uncertain, it's nice to hear about a new business opening up in Lawton. Even better when it's a new place to eat! The Lawton Bricktown Brewery is now open, located on the corner of 2nd and Gore at 45 N.W. 2nd Street.
Is The Lawton Chuck E. Cheese Closing?
Is The Lawton Chuck E. Cheese Closing?
Is The Lawton Chuck E. Cheese Closing?
The COVID-19 pandemic has done more than it's fair share of damage to the health and well being of not just people, but businesses over the post several months. There are hundreds if not thousands of business who's fate is still unknown, or who have unfortunately already closed due to corona virus. Now it's looking like Chuck E. Cheese might be the next victim of COVID-19.
We Now Have Pizza Vending Machines
We Now Have Pizza Vending Machines
We Now Have Pizza Vending Machines
This is what mankind has been waiting for and I can't believe it's taken this long to get here. Of all our achievements and progress this has to be the pinnacle of ingenuity and innovation. I'm proud beyond words to have lived to see it. We finally have pizza vending machines. The future is now and what a beautiful world we're living in.
Super Sexy ‘How To’ Ladies Will Have You Doing It Yourself in No Time! [VIDEO]
Super Sexy ‘How To’ Ladies Will Have You Doing It Yourself in No Time! [VIDEO]
Super Sexy ‘How To’ Ladies Will Have You Doing It Yourself in No Time! [VIDEO]
I could watch these all day, I think I will! After seeing this you'll be ready and able to do a wide variety of DIY (Do It Yourself) projects. From making pizza to home improvements you can learn how to do it all! Let's face it most instructional videos are boring and a real chore just to watch, not these!
Domino’s Launches Crazy Pizza & Wings Hybrid
Domino’s Launches Crazy Pizza & Wings Hybrid
Domino’s Launches Crazy Pizza & Wings Hybrid
You like eating pizza. You like eating wings. Why not make dinner simple and put the two together? Domino's has done just that with a brand new pizza, where the crust is chicken.

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