This Is How You Put ‘Your Own Spin’ On The National Anthem!
It never fails, when there is a big sporting event, there has to be a national anthem. It's tradition and pure Americana. That being said, the crowd is normally subjected to an artists narcissistic, overly-complicated interpretation of our countries most recognized classic. Whether it's Fergie trying to sex it up, Rosanne groping herself, or even Steven Tyler screaming though a set he pitched too high for himself.
Enter these gals, the T Sisters. Three siblings from Oakland, California that were born to sing with each other. They roll through their pretty distinct version of 'The Star Spangled Banner' with humility and class. Not trying to out-do previous versions, but giving respect to the tradition. Maybe someone should start the Super Bowl petition now... It would have to be better than watching Christina Aguilera forget the lyrics again.
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