We’d Like to Say a BIG THANKS to our City of Lawton Street Crews!
We'd like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all of our City f Lawton workers and street crews for everything they've done for us over the past couple of days. They've been out night and day in all this madness spreading salt and sand to help improve the road conditions in Lawton, Fort Sill. City crews have been running trucks since yesterday and continue to do what they can where they can to help keep us safe. We really appreciate it!
If you or someone you know works for the City of Lawton or is a first responder let them know how much we appreciate them. They don't hear it enough in my opinion. We all like to pile on when we have complaints, but not so much with compliments. I've been fortunate to shelter in place and ride this thing out and only had to get out briefly. For some, they aren't so lucky and have to work in all the freezing temperatures, snow, and ice while the rest of us get a day off or two. When we do get out we don't stop to think about how someone went before us to clear the roads or spread salt and sand to reduce the slickness and chances of getting stuck.
So to all our City of Lawton workers, police department, fire department, sheriff's office, all the EMTs, and first responders out there, THANK YOU! It's been a crazy winter in S.W. Oklahoma and we've seen some record-breaking temps and snowfall this year. Hopefully, Mother Nature will give us a reprieve sometime soon and we'll warm up and thaw out. I don't know about all of you, but I'm more than ready for Spring and Summer!
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