Why Do Delivery Drivers Steal Packages They Deliver?
When Amazon announced they were going to start delivering their own packages, it sent shivers down the delivery service industry. Granted, there had been an ongoing argument of payment for those packages for years, but still, when your #1 customer decides to do it themselves, UPS, FedEx, and the USPS raised an eyebrow.
Skip forward to the now, and how many times have we watched a video of an Amazon delivery person doing this... Delivering the package, placing it on the porch, snapping a pic for proof, then hauling off your goods for themselves? Sure, they can fire those who get caught, but it still persists. And I'm sure these delivery people don't see it as robbing the customer, Amazon will just ship a new package at no cost after all... They probably see it as getting their bonus from the biggest company in the world. But wrong is wrong, right? While videos like this were popping up every week this time last year, it appears Amazon has gotten a hold on it by hiring better people.
Luckily, the popularity of video doorbells is skyrocketing because of the lowest form of life in America... Porch thieves. They take what they can, cower when you confront them, and the only way to combat it is to mail your stuff to work or a P.O. Box. But with these video doorbells, at least we get to dox these criminals all over the internet. I'm honestly shocked people don't even think about this anymore. Who doesn't have some sort of video on the porch anymore? It's ridiculously affordable now with so many choices, and easy to install yourself with a screwdriver and instructions.
If you don't already, start mailing your stuff to work. If you don't have a doorbell camera yet, get one. You never know when you'll catch the next clinical doorbell lover.
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