Here Are the Steps to Becoming Lawton’s Next Mayor or City Council Member
The Lawton, Fort Sill local elections for City Mayor and City Council Wards 1 and 2 will be taking place a little later this year on Tuesday, September 14th (09-14-21). In order to vote in the upcoming election you'll have to be registered to vote by the Friday, August 20th (08-20-21) deadline or you'll have to sit this one out. Make sure you're registered to vote and know which polling station you need to report to. But, what if you're wanting to run for office? Well the City of Lawton just posted a video that answers a lot of the questions you may have about becoming an elected public official and the steps you'll need to take to get there.
Here's your chance if you've ever considered running for a city office. Over the past year or so there's been a lot of complaints and at times complements for our current Mayor and City Council members. From how the COVID-19 pandemic was handled to the city's spending habits with the CIP (Capitol Improvement Program) funds. Like using it to buy a run down, dilapidated, located in a flood zone, near empty mall for 14.6 MILLION DOLLARS. Then dumping even more money on top of it to attempt to remodel and promote the space for the FISTA (Fires Innovation Science and Technology Accelerator) project.
Who knows, maybe it'll pan out, maybe it won't. I still haven't heard of any 100% confirmed technology based businesses, contractors or other somewhat attached to the government agencies that will be "for sure" moving in and making the old Central Mall their new home. Most of this was done on the "expressed interest" level and not the "It's a confirmed deal" level. Hopefully it'll all work out and my doubts will be laid to rest.
See what I mean? There's plenty to talk over and even criticize. I'm just as guilty, if not more guilty than others when it comes to expressing my thoughts about our public officials. I love the whole "Become the change" thing people always say. Especially if they're in office or are friends with someone who is. They always say "Well if you think you can do it better then run for office." Well, first of all if you're holding a public office the public will often let you know what they think, it's part of the job. If "you" or "they" can't handle that then "you" or "they" probably shouldn't be an elected official then.
I have no interest in running for, or holding a public office. I can however and will express my thoughts, concerns and opinions as freely and often as I wish. And yes even if it may hurt someone's feelings...God forbid! But that's just me, I'm more than happy doing what I'm doing and offering up the occasional remark or feedback as needed, or even if it's not.
But if it's something you're interested in by all means hit play on the video above and work your way to whatever office you'd like if that's what you want to do. I think we can all agree that we should shake things up from time to time. We're overdue in Lawton and new blood is obviously needed. Just know if I complain about something to you and you say "Become the change" and "Run for office if you think you can do it better" I'll laugh at you and continue voicing my opinions and more than likely obnoxiously...MERICA!