Is The ‘Keurig of Tortillas’ A Real Thing?
Over the weekend, it seems everyone on Facebook saw an ad for an instant tortilla maker that works sort of like a Keurig coffee machine. It looked pretty awesome... but for everyone that got sucked into the 'laser rust remover' Facebook scam over Christmas, this too looks too awesome to be true, but it isn't, sort of...
You see, the idea for an instant tortilla maker is out there. It's been dreamt up by a company called Flatev - AKA - Flatbread Evolution. Do they have an actual working prototype? Sort of. They have a few ridiculously expensive prototypes that they're building the tech off of in order to fulfill the orders they're getting from Kickstarter.
Here's the bad news... If you hop in on the ground floor of what might be the greatest kitchen invention since the microwave, it's gonna cost you a lot, sort of...
If you go ahead and give Flatev $199, they'll send you a working machine when they finally get them working and ready to ship, when it's your turn in line... That seems like a steal when you look through the other 'high roller' options and realize these things will most likely retail for up to $400 each, plus the cost of dough pods...
All the same, you could play the safe game. Let Flatev get their product off the ground, become super successful, and wait for the inevitable Great Value type competition to kick in the same way coffee makers came at Keurig. Now everyone makes some sort of instant pod-based coffee making delivery system on the cheap.
So, is it real? Not yet... But the idea is, and the Kickstarter campaign is collecting the funds to get this product to market.
Does that mean this product is coming to market? No, but that's the risk of investing. Flatev could burn through that Kickstarter money and be left at square one, and you'll be out whatever you put in.
It does pay to be patient. Might be the best way to go about your newly discovered instant tortilla fetish.