The beef prices across Oklahoma have been in a wild state of fluctuation for a few years now, and it appears the Sooner State is headed for a new record consumer price in 2024.

In 2022, it was due to Covid-19... Last year, it was all about the drought... This year, experts are blaming interest rates and the wrecked economy we've all been living through since 2021 - specifically that ranching has become so expensive that many family farms have opted out of the industry, and the supply isn't catching up with demand.

If you were to look at the cattle supply index, we're currently sitting at the lowest supply so far this century.

According to the USDA reports, the country was sitting on about 98 million head of cattle in the US in 2000. As of July 2023, the national count is around 87 million.

That's total cows... calves, bulls, dairy livestock, etc... All cows in the US. Only about a third of that 95 million will be processed into beef products--ground beef, steaks, brisket, etc...

The Bureau of Labor and Statistics is sticking to its report that beef prices are up only around 5.5%, but doing the real math with old grocery store receipts tells a much different story.

Ground beef has spiked just over 31% in price on store shelves in just the last 90 days.


Steak is up 26% over the same time.

Ground beef is currently at an average all-time high price in July 2024 - $5.47/lb.
Steak is also currently at an average all-time high price right now - $11.47/lb.

On the plus side, these things work in cycles. Eventually, people will be priced out of buying beef, which will cut the demand and boost the supply. Prices will come back down until we start buying it again--forcing the price to rise all over again. Rinse. Repeat.

Oklahoma's Highest-Rated Barbeque Joints, In No Particular Order...

I doubt there's a single topic debated more passionately in Oklahoma than who makes the best BBQ. While they all smoke meat, there are some huge differences in how that process is done. Type of wood, length of cook, foil vs paper wrap, and even the hot topics of seasoning and binders come into play. What you like others may not, and vice versa. Since we can't just pick a top five or ten, here are the Oklahoma barbeque joints that have the biggest fans.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

The Best Things About Oklahoma

It seems we've reached a point in human history where the norm is to sit around and complain about anything and everything. Oklahoma is a sore subject on both political sides of the aisle. So instead of adding to the morose nature of being bummed, here are some 100% pure Sooner State things Okies can't help but think positively about.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

16 Unbelievable Sights to Behold in Oklahoma

Long thought of as just a 'fly-over' state, there's a ton of unbelievable destinations in Oklahoma that America is missing out on.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

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