Lawton City Council Postpones Discussion On Mandatory Mask Ordinance
Yesterday the city council met to hear arguments both for and against the city's mandatory face mask ordinance. The mask ordinance went into effect back on July 17th (07-17-20) when the council passed the new mandate and it remains in effect currently. Those apposed asked the council back on July 28th (07-28-20) to repeal the measure and yesterday's meeting was an acknowledgement of that.
The city council heard from both sides and allowed up to fifteen minutes for them to make their case either pro or con. Afterwards they decided they wouldn't officially hear or vote on a face mask repeal until sometime in October. Hopefully by then COVID-19 pandemic will have slowed up or stopped completely. According to health care professionals and those who voted in favor of the mandatory face mask ordinance state that the wearing of masks will definitely help the situation. Those who appose say different.
I'm sure by now if you've gone out of the house even once over the past several weeks you know all about the mask ordinance. Basically all citizens must wear a face mask or covering while inside of any building or business within city limits that is open to the public or where crowds may be present. For all the details on the ordinance visit the City of Lawton official website. So what are your thoughts on the mandatory mask ordinance? Take the quick poll below and let us know your thoughts.
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