Oklahoma Officer Responds to House Fire, Finds His Own House Burning and Rescues His Family
I have to imagine this a nightmare scenario for any officer. Getting a call about something happening at your own address.
Up in Seminole, Oklahoma, Officer Anthony Louie got a call on Friday night about a house fire. Turns out the fire was happening at his own house with his family inside. Officer Louie rushed into the home to rescue his family. Nobody in the officer's family was injured in the blaze, but Officer Louie did get some serious burns from rushing in and out of his home.
The officer also said he had some smoke inhalation damage from being inside his burning home. Many people are wanting to help Louie right now due to the fire damage to his home and the injuries he endured while rescuing his family. Officials with the Fraternal Order of Police said donations can be made to the Seminole FOP lodge 138 through PayPal by sending them to: Seminolefop138@gmail.com.
Donations can also be sent to any Tinker Federal Credit Union in the State of Oklahoma as well. Just note the deposit for Seminole FOP lodge 138. Glad to see that Office Louie was able to rescue his family and hopefully he has a speedy recovery.
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