OU Football Season Opener Will Require Proof of Vaccination or Negative COVID-19 Test to Attend
If you were planning to make the trip to New Orleans, LA. to the Yulman Stadium for the OU (University of Oklahoma) football season opener it was just announced that you'll need proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test within the past 72 hours in order to attend. OU will be taking on TU (Tulane University) to kick off the 2021 season on Saturday, September 4th (09-04-21).
The mandate was put in place by Mayor LaToya Cantrell of New Orleans and is a city/parish ordinance. NOLA has reissued most, if not all, of their COVID-19 protocols and polices due to the surge in recent positive COVID-19 and Delta variant cases.
You can review the current city ordinances and updates by clicking here. The proof of vaccination and/or negative COVID-19 test requirements were put forth by the NOLA city government, not Tulane University.
The new ordinance was announced yesterday and goes into effect Monday, August 16th (08-16-21). Starting Monday NOLA will require proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours for any person age 12 and up who wishes to access most indoor places as well as outdoor gatherings of 500 or more. Get all the details by clicking here. They also have a mandatory mask mandate as well.
So this means if you're going to NOLA for the OU opener you'll need to bring proof of vaccination., or have a negative COVID-19 test within 72 of the game and wear a mask in order to enter the stadium.
You'll also need to have/wear a face mask as well. As you can imagine this has created a lot of questions, not to mention angry comments and concern among fans. Is this something we'll be seeing throughout the season and across the country? Guess we'll have and wait and see...