If you haven't heard the news yet Pfizer just came out and suggested another round of booster shots of the COVID-19 vaccine. Over the weekend they announced that they would be seeking the FDA's approval for what will be the 4th shot or booster.
Today at the Comanche County Health Department located at 1010 S.W. Sheridan Road they'll be hosting a vaccination clinic. You can walk in or make an appointment for a later date to get your first, second or third COVID-19 vaccinations.
If you were planning to make the trip to New Orleans, LA. to the Yulman Stadium for the OU (University of Oklahoma) football season opener it was just announced that you'll need proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test within the past 72 hours in order to attend.
If your child is in need of any immunizations in order to attend school the CCHD (Comanche County Health Department) is holding a "Back to School" immunization clinic.
Just when you think we're finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel we get more bad news about Oklahoma's COVID-19 numbers. Unfortunately Oklahoma is leading the Nation and not in a good way when it comes to the number of new COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and even deaths.
Coming up this Wednesday, May 12th (05-12-21) the CCHD (Comanche County Health Department) will be hosting a drive thru COVID-19 vaccination event at the Great Plains Coliseum located at 920 South Sheridan Road from 8:00am until 6:00pm. You can just pull in and get your shot and no appointment is necessary. All persons that are age 16 plus are eligible. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to get vaccinated.
The main topic for the past several weeks has been the loosening of COVID-19 restrictions and mask mandates. Seems more and more cities, counties and states are doing way with their mandatory regulations and rules concerning public health, as it relates to the pandemic. Of course this has caused a lot of heated debate and arguments over the past couple of weeks. Some say it's too early and others are saying it's about time. Now that we have a wide spread COVID-19 vaccine and most of the population is getting vaccinated, we're all wondering when we'll be seeing a return to normal?
Starting tomorrow Friday, February 12th (02-12-21) Walmart and Sam's Club pharmacies in Lawton, Fort Sill will be offering the COVID-19 vaccinations. All state guidelines and COVID-19 vaccination eligibility phases will be followed.
Last week the Comanche County Health Department held it's first COVID-19 vaccination clinic at the Great Plains Coliseum in Lawton and at the Community Center in Altus. Both locations provided vaccinations to those 65 years of age or older for Phase 2 of the vaccine rollout in the state and the Nation. Another vaccination clinic will be scheduled as soon as more vaccine becomes available.
The OSDH (Oklahoma State Department of Health) has launched their new COVID-19 vaccination portal. It will be used as a scheduling tool to help Oklahomans determine when they are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine and help them schedule an appointment when it is their turn. This will be the fastest and easiest way to get in line and request a vaccination and stay up to date with the various phases.
This week the Comanche County Health Department announced that persons who are 65 years of age or older are now eligible for the COVID-19 vaccination. The health department will be performing vaccinations in both Lawton and in Altus. In Lawton they'll be set up at the Great Plains Coliseum and in Altus at the Community Center.