Support Group For Overly Woke Millennials NSFW [VIDEO]
A seriously funny poke-fun-at the overly woke Millennials and their warped view of the world. Hope it doesn't hurt their feels! Sadly this is meant as a joke and yet I've actually met a few of these "woke" people and they couldn't be any more annoying. Within seconds I was prepared to throat-punch my way out of there and find a safe space from their stupidity and political correctness! This video shows just how out of hand the triggered and woke have gotten! I'm sure it will cause great harm to the egos of those offended.
I was just talking with someone a few days ago and wondered if these people who are so ridiculously hypersensitive realize just how funny to us they are. Surely they know the rest of us are having a huge laugh at their expense! If not one look at this video and it'll all become clear. Political correctness has gone to insane levels!
I know it's not just me who's grown sick of this. Just look at Dave Chappelle and his new Netflix special "Sticks and Stones." It's making waves and everyone's talking about it. If you haven't seen it yet it's one of the best stand ups I've seen in years and definitely one of Chappelle's best! The mainstream tried to kill it with negative reviews but everyone else LOVES IT including me. In other words normal people who aren't "woke" or easily "triggered" are responding in a big way and cheering Dave on! The whole time I was watching it I was thinking about damn time someone stood up and said enough is enough!
Yesterday Netflix released the new stand up from Bill Burr "Paper Tiger." This special cranks it up to 11 as Bill rips his way through the P.C. "woke" culture with hilarious unapologetic precision. I'm glad we finally have comedians taking a stand and getting back to no holds barred, nothings off limits comedy. Dave and Bill were made for this! Hopefully it'll catch on and someday soon people will stop taking themselves and their feelings so seriously.