Ever Wonder Why February Only Has 28 Days?
Nobody really likes Winter. Sure, those first few cold days are nice and nostalgic, but Oklahoma's Winter is different than fun seasons around the country. For instance, when it's below freezing and breezy, it's nice when you're in Colorado. But if it's the same here in SWOK, it's miserable. Some blame the mental state of actually being in a place that's supposed to be cold, but I think it's the actual weather.
In Oklahoma, it's the humidity that kills Winters vibe. It can somehow be freezing with an 80% humidity outside. It's not that dry cold that wisps away and makes you crave hot chocolate. It's that wet cold that chills you to the bone, requiring microwave instant soups and long showers to warm up. Even though we live here, most people aren't equipped for those deep cold spurts. Fleece is fine, for a while. But down is king.
Turns out, Romans didn't like the cold either. So much so, they refused to name it other than 'Winter.' It's confusing, but all explained in the video above. Enjoy.