Before you roll your eyes and think to yourself "This is dumb," you're right. It is dumb... but the kids are going to love every minute of these stupid Oklahoma hot weather food activities.

Odds are, you know at least one or two of the common Oklahoma food things we often repeat when the temperature climbs well over 100°.

Cooking an egg on the sidewalk...


Or the classic baking cookies on the dashboard...


...but there are more hot weather food things to try in the Oklahoma heat.

Mailbox lasagna.

Definitely one for the bravest Oklahomans, you're supposed to cook some meat, toss together a lasagna, and place it in your (preferably metal) mailbox by lunchtime. As the temp climbs, you just leave it in there to bake for up to eight hours. People swear it's edible, though most people place a frozen grocery store lasagna in there in the morning and eat it for dinner.


Antenna Hotdogs.

Your vehicle has an antenna, right? I mean, most do in some shape or form. The idea is you're supposed to clean it and slide a few weiners onto it before a lengthy afternoon drive.

I've seen this one on TikTok, and they swear the weiners come out cooked... but it's not my first day on the internet. All the same, weiners are already cooked, so you're really just warming them through. Worth a try if only for the giggles of your kids.


Kool-Aid Pool.

I've seen this one first-hand, and the kids did love it.

Take a kiddie pool and fill it up so the little ones can have their refreshing summer fun, but toss some drink mix into it - preferably sugar-free drink mix... can't have them running around all sticky and junk.

I guess you could actually scale this one up to as big a pool as you want, though the homeowner/city government will likely lose their minds over it. If not a pool, definitely the slip-n-slide. It's like splashing around in shark attack blood.


All the same, for the summer friends whatever party, you could have an epic margarita pool. Legend.

Fun Kid Friendly Oklahoma Vacation Destinations

There is a ton of stuff to do in Oklahoma that you and the kids will love, you just have to know where to find that stuff and have the gumption to hop off the couch and go do some of it.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

Do Not Leave These Things in Your Hot Car in Oklahoma

While you would expect most of this to be common sense and general knowledge, you'd be amazed how many people found out the hard way there are some things you should never leave in a hot vehicle. Since we're knee-deep into another hot Oklahoma summer, it's worth mentioning to those who don't know.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

Unique Things to Do in Oklahoma City

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Gallery Credit: Kelso

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