The current forecast of temperatures isn't looking good at all. It's hot. It's going to remain hot and it's going to get even hotter for the next week. Desperate times call for desperate measures, here are a few cheap ways you can beat the heat.

Every 90s kid that played little league baseball can remember having one of these neck cooler things. It's a cheap bandana filled with jelly stuff that soaks up water and can hold its cool temperature for a surprisingly long time, even in direct sunlight. Buy yourself a few of them, toss 'em in the cooler or fridge for a few minutes, lay it on your neck, and since your arteries run so close to the skin, they'll keep you cool. Also works wrapping your forearms.

Before you laugh, plopping down in your very own personal pool is one of the greatest backyard ideas in history. Sure, you don't get to horseplay with your bros, but the point is staying cool while enjoying that vitamin D. Fill it up, hop in, as the water gets uncomfortably warm toss a bag of ice in there to keep you cool.

Alternatively, you could also put a bunch of margarita mixers in there and enjoy basking in your giant, refreshing, massive cocktail. It's pretty gross, but after a while, you'll stop caring.

While this may seem like some true Boomer stuff, you cannot deny making your own popsicles is both refreshing and money-saving. Instead of paying out for the delicious pre-made sugar-filled kind that will have you waking up at 3 AM to hit the head, opt for these.

Use a drink mix in a bottle of water, then pour it into the mold. You'll be in popsicle heaven while they last. Pro-Tip: Clean the molds really well to achieve perfectly clear popsicles. Use tap water if you want it to be slushy.

There is no better treat than a solid shaved ice on a brutally hot day and the machines that make them are stupid-cheap. Don't confuse this for a snow cone maker. If shaved ice is the thriving bull market economy, snow cones are Brandon's rampant inflation.

Snow cones make little granules of ice... Shaved ice is super fine and holds your syrups better and longer. Shaved ice is life.

Nothing says "Summer In Southwest Oklahoma" like homemade ice cream. Nothing fancy about it. A little cream, your preferred flavor, ice, a little salt and you're in for the best treat your back porch can provide. My family always crushes up strawberries for the mix, it always turns out amazing. Plus you get all of the fun family time as your kids ask you "Is it done yet?" a million times.

While it is hot, it's not that bad. The higher the temp goes, the less humidity there is meaning the more effective a little shade can be. I have a 94-year-old grandma who lives 90 miles west of Lawton in a house without air conditioning. She's got a point when she says "Modern people are just soft." Make your ice cream, enjoy the shave ice, and hop in your own personal pool. Beating the heat without scorching your electric bill is possible.

Oklahoma's Best 4th of July Celebrations

There's nothing like celebrating America's independence in the heartland, and Oklahoma practically overflows with patriotism across the state. While most towns have their own celebrations, some are larger than others. Since it would be hard to catch all of them in one day, they're spread out a bit over two and a half weeks, pick one or more and let your American flag fly.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

This Lake Texoma Lakefront Mansion is Life Goals

I'm not sure if you've ever made the pilgrimage to Lake Texoma before, but it sure would be something to look forward to if you could spend your weekends camped out in the luxury of this massive lakefront house. Making macaroni and hotdogs in the gourmet kitchen, take a dip in either pool, and wander down to the beautiful waters edge whenever you felt like it... We can all dream, right? Nestled in one of the deep coves on the Texas side of the lake, it can be all yours for less than $11-million. Check out the full listing from Realty here.

Gallery Credit: Kelso

Here Are Oklahoma's Top 10 Okies

There's a trend floating around social media where people are listing their top Americans from history. A lot of them are based in the meme fashion, but others are indisputable. It has me thinking about who the greatest Oklahomans of all time might be. Here's a solid list we all agreed on.

Gallery Credit: Kelso


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