Kenneth Copeland’s Metal COVID-19 Judgement!
Behold one of, if not THE greatest metal mash ups of our time. This one will be the mash up that all others will be judged by in the future. It took a global pandemic and for the entire world to be turned upside down by a virus for this to come into being. Sometimes the worst things possible and the most unspeakable tragedies birth the greatest gifts! We finally have something to show for all we've been through this year.
This epic magnum opus was created by Andre Antunes for his YouTube channel. He's got some great videos covering all kinds of different genres of music and styles on guitar. He's an incredible musician, a real virtuoso and as funny as this video is, the more you watch it the more you appreciate his playing.
Awhile back Televangelist Kenneth Copeland passed judgment on Satan and COVID-19 during one of his live sermons. He ranted and raved about the devil, the virus and called for an immediate vaccine to be developed immediately. I'm not too sure how effective his judgement will be, but it's looking like we'll be getting a vaccine real soon. Maybe it's just a coincidence, maybe not. Either way we're getting a vaccine more than likely sometime mid December and we have this wondered metal mash up to watch in the meantime.
This video is hilarious and "I pass judgement on you" will forever be a permanent part of my vocabulary. I've been using it non-stop and refuse to pass on a single opportunity to say it to someone or something. It's been a fantastic week so far and it's only Monday. Speaking of which..."I pass judgement upon you Monday!"
See Striking Photos of the Tourism Industry During COVID-19