I just read an interesting article from KOKH Fox 25 about Oklahoma Senator Michael Bergstrom filing a new senate bill (SB 1098) that would allow Oklahoma residents to purchase and own firearm silencers without all the federal regulations. If the silencer was made in Oklahoma and remained in the state it would be exempt from federal registration and regulations. The article was short and didn't really contain a lot of details.

As soon as I read this I immediately thought it sounded far-fetched and impossible. I needed some answers so I went to the one guy who knows more about silencers and NFA (National Firearms Act) items and weapons than anyone else around, Josh Powers at Ares State Armory.

He's an expert on the subject and it's his business. Ares State Armory specializes in NFA items and firearms including silencers. He's been doing it forever and I absolutely trust his knowledge and input.

As soon as I walked into the shop he knew what I wanted to talk about. He explained how this legislation, while well-intentioned, will in no way make silencers legal in the state without federal registration and going through the proper procedures to possess an NFA item. So if you're thinking "Great I can now have a silencer and not have to pay all the fees, fill out all the forms and wait forever to get it" you're wrong. Regardless of what the state of Oklahoma passes NFA items and firearms are federally regulated.

Silencers are available for purchase at Ares State Armory in Lawton, OK.

TSM Lawton: Critter
TSM Lawton: Critter

Even if the silencer was made in Oklahoma and never left the state it's still considered an unregistered NFA item by the ATF. This means you could end up in federal prison, get hit with hefty fines, and be convicted of a felony losing your Second Amendment rights forever. Oklahoma isn't the first state to do this, Kansas and Texas have passed similar legislation and have seen their fair share of residents being arrested and prosecuted for violating federal firearm laws. So whatever you do DON'T DO IT, OR YOU'LL REGRET IT!

If you're wanting a silencer do it the right way. Purchase it from a fully licensed dealer that can process all the paperwork, fees and make sure you're doing everything 100% legal and by the book. Once an NFA firearm or item is purchased the buyer must submit fingerprints, a passport photo, an application, and a $200.00 fee for the NFA tax stamp. All of this is sent to the ATF/FBI for approval. It takes anywhere from 6-9 months to complete the entire process. Once approved a tax stamp is issued and you're legally able to possess it.

Statement from Ares State Armory on their official Facebook page.

In Kansas, two people ended up being prosecuted for not following the regulations when it comes to federal firearm laws. They thought because the state passed legislation deregulating NFA firearms and items that they could legally have them without registering. Both ended up being convicted for violating the NFA. You can get more information on this by clicking here. Now they have felonies on their records and will never be able to legally own another firearm in their lifetime. Not only that the U.S. Supreme Court refused to review or hear the case. So BEWARE just because the state says it's legal, IT'S NOT!

Until the Federal government removes silencers from the NFA registry you'll have to continue to follow all the rules and regulations regardless of state laws. Otherwise, you'll end up facing fines, prison, and a felony record. Maybe someday silencers will be removed from the NFA, it's come close a few times. Even now there are bills being introduced into congress like (H.R. 94) the Hearing Protection Act that would remove silencers from the NFA. *Fingers crossed* that it finally passes.

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